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Babylon Project provides creative activities by and for young people from asylum seeking, refugee and migrant backgrounds, as well as introducing people to concepts such as identity, community and social justice.


Babylon runs workshops with expert facilitators, many of whom come from migrant, refugee or asylum seeking backgrounds. Our workshops explore concepts like identity, community and social justice, through drama, art, creative writing, photography and film. We are always looking for new ideas to implement in future for creative workshops.



At Babylon Project, we run workshops for two different groups of young people:


Our workshops for young refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are all about learning new creative skills while making friends, gaining confidence, and improving their English language skills. Through our workshops, participants will gain skills in a range of artistic forms, such as art, theatre, storytelling, and film-making. They will also gain certificates for completing our programmes. Our workshops usually include a hot meal for our participants, as this helps our community to bond and thrive.


Our workshops in schools, colleges and youth groups outside of the refugee sector allow young people to gain creative skills whilst meeting and learning about refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. Alongside creative activities, young people might learn about community, activism and the difficulties within the UK asylum system. 



At the core of our mission is a strong belief in the power of sharing knowledge, skills, and resources to bring about positive change in young people's lives. Whether it's working in partnership with youth groups by leveraging the expertise of our facilitators, or introducing the young people we engage with to other specialized activities, we are always seeking new ways to foster mutually beneficial relationships. We have successfully collaborated with a range of organizations, including the British Red Cross, Safe Passage, Fences & Frontiers, Springboard, Dost, Our Second Home, London Migration Film Festival, NEST, Compass Collective, Arctic University of Norway, and Woodcraft Folk. Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate on a project with us.

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